Tuesday, April 26, 2005

radiokbla has self-destructed

I had a friendster blog and now it is gone. The page is just empty and cannot be found. Why would this be? Any blog-xperts care to weigh in? The only thing I can think is that I referred to my nasal spray by name-brand on the blog. Yes, Sarah, I realize that makes me sound even gayer than usual. Where is my blog? I don't think I sniffed it up...

1 comment:

Julia B said...

it's kind of random that last night i spent a good 3 hours on friendster, doing basically nothing, not writing testimonials or editing my profile or looking up long lost elementary school classmates or anything else productive....but i did keep hitting your page and trying to refresh to see your blog. first time i have ever clicked on the "blog" button on friendster ANYWHERE and it just happened to be on your now lost forever one. totally sucks. I just wanted to let you know that i miss it too.