Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Point for CA

THIS is a really good reason to keep California in the union.


Fletch said...

You're such a lush Sa-rah! But its true, Long Island wines ain't got nothing on the Left (right) Coast.

Julia B said...

every time i meet someone new and they find out i have lived on the east coast most of my life, they ask me the inevitable question like "which coast is better?" and "do you miss the east coast?" and i reply some BS about how i like both places for different reasons and i miss my friends and family but also like having experiences in different places, blah blah blah. but really, i miss the bagels and the 6 hour flights to paris on the east coast and the only thing i like about the west coast is seeing people drink the boba tea with tapioca and moan, either in disgust or pleasure. but i think they have that in DC and other cities too, so basically the west coast has no benefits whatsoever.