Monday, April 11, 2005

Pinko Commie Bastards

This little quiz was in the Metro this morning, you are supposed to answer the
statements "never," "sometimes," or "often."
1. I find it hard to get out of bed in the morning.
2. I'm late for work.
3. Once I arrive at work, it takes me awhile to actually get started working.
4. I sit at my desk and daydream.
5. I have less patience with customers and coworkers than I used to.
6. I spend time at work doing personal tasks.
7. I look at job Web sites on the internet while I am at work.
8. I get impatient with rules and red tape at work.
9. I take longer breaks than I should.
10. When I need to phone people as part of my job, I spend more time chatting than I need to.
11. I feel tired during the workday.
12. I don't bother mentioning concerns to the boss because its usually a waste of time.
13. If I leave the office during the day, I take my time getting back to work.
14. I do the minimum amount of work required.
15. I check the time throughout the day to
see how close to quitting time it is.
16. I feel bored at work.
17. I "kill time" during the day by chatting with co-workers or doing other
non-essential tasks.

18. I schedule medical and other personal appointments during working hours.
19. I start getting ready to leave before quitting time.
20. I am out the door as soon as it is quitting time.
21. On the weekends, I look at the job classifieds or surf job sites on the internet.
22. I called in sick when I actually could have worked.
23. I complain to my friends about my job.
24. I have trouble sleeping on Sunday nights because I'm thinking about having to go back to work.
25. When I'm on holidays, I dread going back to work.
0 points for each "never" answer, 1 point for "sometimes" and 2 points for "often."
0-10: Very satisfied.
11-20: Somewhat satisfied.
21-30: Somewhat dissatisfied.
31-40: Very dissatisfied.
41-50: Why are you still working there?

Now call me cynical, but 90% or those seem to me things inherently sucky in having a job. Granted, I don't have an extensive work history nor am I a professional. But I have been working pretty consistently for almost 8 years, in a variety of fields- from the bagel and espresso business to childcare to the post office to law in various forms, and I don't think I ever run across a coworker who would score "very satisfied" on this quiz. This leaves me only one possible explanation- it was planted in the Metro by Communists so we would see how miserable we are under the Capitalist system and REVOLT. Power-to-the-people.... god, works sucks.


Erica said...
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Erica said...

According to this quiz, I am "somewhat dissatisfied" with my job. I'd say this is pretty accurate and not a bad place to be at 24, with no idea what I really want to do. A year ago at this time I would have scored solidly in the "Why are you still working there?" category. This is progress.

Sarah said...

An interesting development- this morning an overtalkative Chinese coworker told me the key to workplace happiness is, in fact, feng shui. I should put something round, a cup perhaps, in the corner where my computer monitor is in order to not hate my job. Unfortunately, there already is a cup in that corner. Feng shui deserves further investigation....