Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Mouth noises

My officemate who is back from a week in Paris (I believe. We don't speak, but I've overheard) is making disgusting noises with her mouth. It sounds like she is gnawing on a chicken bone, with lots of spit. Yesterday, maybe irritated about being back at work, she slammed the door coming and going each time. Reentered the room at one point and said "who touched my desk?!"--real mean and accusatory-like. It was the IT guys trying to install the printer. Those vignettes are tangential, let us return to the bane of my existence, the mouth noise. Whether this is chewing with ones mouth open, wet, gross gum chewing noises, sucking of the teeth, sucking of something else, slurping, whatever. It gives me this weird visceral reaction, blind anger and irrational response/need to flee. This all, of course, can be blamed on my mother who, from an early age, firmly chastised me for "smacking my gum." Not unlike the shape of her eyes, she passed down to me her pet peeve. I first get annoyed which usually quickly turns to anger when I think about how egregious the mouth noise-making is. You think your right to eat carrots trumps mine to watch TV without carrot-chewing? You think everyone on this subway car should be impressed with what a big bubble you can blow? I am livid. In my head, the person is completely aware of how angry and miserable they are making me, intentionally choosing loud chewing over my ability to retain self-control. It becomes a war. Sometimes I leave the room, that side of the subway car. Sometimes I curse them and everyone they've ever met, make dramatic physical threats in my head. Sometimes, also in my head, I just say disparaging things about the way they were raised and their entire value system. It's amazing how close gum smackers can come to raping bigoted conservativechristian republican miserly monstrous ugly stupid nazis.
I was feeling a little crazy about all of this until reading in my subscription copy of FHM magazine about some musician who cites as one of 5 influences that produced his new album, his annoyance with mouth noises. People like me can be famous. I then decided to be pro-active about it and wanted to make stickers to post in the subways. They would be a cartoon of a mom, in rollers and a housedress. Like in the comic strip Sylvia and she'd be saying "Chew with your mouth closed!" So people could look around the train and remember their manners. Then again, people don't give up seats to pregnant ladies or old people and there are signs about that...Now I date someone who shares my hate of mouth noises, we can commiserate about the inappropriateness of other people. Unfortunately, he one-ups me and also detests chair-kickers. This is troublesome as I feel myself adopting the stance of that peeve, too. I can't handle another one. Motherfucking dirty stinking bigfooted ugly hateful klansmen....


Erin said...

One of the few times Serli got mad at me during our Peruvian travels was when I was smacking gum in a hotel room high in the Andes. After reading this it makes me understand the little bitch a bit more.

Juliet said...

This is something I didn't know about you and am happy to know now. I'm curious to know how you managed to concentrate all those nights in Olin with all that wesshop candy being consumed in close proximity. And what about movie theatres? I mean an action movie can overpower popcorn, but this might not be the case with a smaller film.

On a related note, the adjoining office that used to be empty is now occupied by a man with a booming voice and cough. I find this to be annoying. I can't see him, but I can hear him. I have a feeling that I'd be much less annoyed if I didn't live in New York City.

Erica said...

You should talk to Liz McColloch. Apparently, for about 2/3 of freshman year, while I slurped my Ramen noodles she had to practice Zen breathing methods and Visualization to keep from blowing up at me.

Fletch said...

But Sarah, what about nasty disgusting, making-out mouth noises? I heard that you kind of like those.

Sarah said...

She's doing it again. Eating chicken in her cubicle at 11am? Chicken? Does that make me racist?