Friday, April 15, 2005

bringing it back to the Ipod

In december of 2004, i received as a gift an IPOD. basically i had been begging for it like a little girl who wants a J.Lo jumpsuit. (the gift i received last year.) i got one, wrapped in a box with cotton fluff and broken headphones. ok, so it was used and bought off craigslist from someone may have stolen it, but it was FINALLY MINE and a more than generous gift. about 650 downloads later, in march of 2005, i dropped it at the gym and it broke. just like that. made a few clicking noises, skipped through about 75 songs, and perished. i don't have any kind of warranty and the ID number is all scratched up (probable cause of that is afore mentioned theft). my question then becomes ---what is the next step? i am worried that IPODs will become to me what sunglasses once were---something i lost, broke, or let someone borrow until it became the other person's rightful possession...and that would become a tremendously expensive habit. possibly even more expensive than getting drunk and handing my check card out like a flyer for a chinese restaurant. maybe i just can't handle things that are both little AND expensive. which sucks because i am SO interested in becoming a rich person who is paid to model diamonds.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Speaking of ipods (and really, why do we ever stop speaking of them...?) and jobs we didn't know needed to be done: