Friday, April 22, 2005

Possible Unknown Benefit of Lesbianism

When a lady is late for work and the outfit she had imagined as being genius actually looks stupid, might it not be more useful to have a girlfriend than a boyfriend? Boyfriends are nice and all, but kind of useless in the face of that kind of panic that really only a girl/woman/femmie gay man can understand. Just a thought.

1 comment:

Juliet said...

Oh man. Remember that day it was 80 degrees out. Well, I was wearing a thick, wool tweed skirt and some ridiculous see through blue shirt that sort of tugs in the button area. Panic! On the subway ride to work I kept thinking about how I wished I could trade skirts with a fellow commuter. I needed something light-weight! Ahhh! Now I'm lucky. I happen to have several closeted coworkers who all commented. That being said, I hope to never find myself in a serious relationship with someone who uses the phrase "materials that breath."