Thursday, October 27, 2005

The Way I See It vs. Flavorology

Have you all read about how Starbucks is coming under attack from some conservative groups who feel that the quotes printed on the cups are bad for America? According to the Seattle Times, it was the Armistad Maupin quote that stirred up the most controversy: "My only regret about being gay is that I repressed it for too long. I surrendered my youth to the people I feared when I could have been out there loving someone. Don't make that mistake yourself. Life's too damn short."

Perhaps as an attempt to show Starbucks how it's done, Dunkin' Donuts has started to decorate their less environmentally sound (not nearly as liberal) cups with reading material. The new DD campaign is called "Flavorology." This morning the side of my cup read, "What does your coffee say about you? If you LOVE remain smooth even when things are sticky. Your MYSTIC match: Marshmellow & Blueberry."

Hey. I like caramel! Well then, it's settled. I just need to find a hottie who likes marshmellow and/or blueberry flavored coffee. I predict that this will be much easier than coming out of the closet. Now if only Dunkin' Donuts coffee had enough caffeine to actually wake me up.


kristina said...

what the hell is blueberry flavored coffee? sounds gay. i guess DD isn't so straight laced after all.

Sarah said...

The news monitor in the elevator at work told me now Starbucks in also integrating God quotes on the cups... I like my religion and caffeine SEPERATE, thank you.