Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Very, Very Strange



kristina said...

i interviewed these twins' mother, april, for a paper i wrote in high school on the perniciousness of holocaust revisionism.

she was creepy and young then. now it seems she' some deviant, morphed strain of pageant mother. creepy.

Sarah said...

Let us not forget, you were creepy and young then, too.
For some reason this story reminds me of when Alison met/translated for the girl band The Bubbles in France. But I guess its more like if she translated for the "Heil Bubbles" or "Aryan Bubbles" or "Bubbles are better when White"

Erica said...

Wow, Kristina you really are two steps ahead of the rest of us in the world of cutting edge racists. How did you find out about her, way back when?

kristina said...

the year was 1998. it was my first real dance with the interweb. it was my first real research paper, the famed extended essay. 4000 words. just me and my topic. i was studying revisionism and came across bradley smith's website. smith is sort of the granddaddy of revisionist history. i sent an e-mail to the website contact info to see if anyone would talk to me, and april responded. she worked for smith and agreed to let me interview her. it was all over e-mail. my mom wouldn't let me talk to her on the phone--probably a wise decision. i could have been kidnapped and forced to play back-up for prussian blue. it all worked out and i resisted her seduction and my best friend to this day is a half jewish and half aryan. i like to mix it up.

by the way, prussian blue has a baby sister named dresden.

Fletch said...

I find it funny that they are named after the world's first artifical dye. But that may just be me.