Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Romance is dead, Long live Romance.

So my boyfriend and I took a really big step a few weeks ago... we traded iTunes libraries. Before we did it, he warned me it would be a big step, he asked me if I was ready. I was so eager to gorge myself on music that I didn’t even think about it... and now it’s too late. I own all of his digital music and he owns all of mine. The implications didn’t really register until last week when I realized that we had just effectively killed the mix-cd-as-present.
There is no song that he could put on a mix that I don't already own. This is insanely depressing! The ipod alone killed it as I would put other mixes he made on my ipod before really listening to them. What, you think I sit around listening to CDs!?! I was riding home on the train and the song "She's a rainbow" by the Rolling Stones came on. I thought, kind of wistfully, about what an awesome song that would be on a lovey dovey mix. I checked the display and sure enough "Anniversary Mix" it was. Shit.
There is something about gorging oneself on music that makes it all mean less. When you can want and have everything it leads to a kind of apathy. Why should I buy a CD? I won't only partially because I can download it for free, but I think more because a) I know I'll probably only like a portion of it. b) It'll go on my ipod and I'll probably hear it on shuffle, not recognize it and skip it and c) I have 3,000 songs at my fingertips at all times.... why would I spend $12 to get a few more? Now, I hate to bad-talk the ipod. I love it, I trust it and when it broke, it broke my heart. BUT it may be fair to say that the ipod killed something beautiful. And I let it happen. I was complicit and then nailed the final stake in the coffin with my insatiable thirst for music. I don't even like Radiohead but now I have 4 albums within arms grasp at all times, what have I done?!!


kristina said...

this is why i resist all forms of technology until i am impossibly behind the times. i finally got a digital camera last weekend. only, it was supposed to be a graduation present from may 2003. now that i have it, i am still afraid of the question on the commercials "where are all my pictures?" i used to be meticulous about developing, cataloguing and labelling photos. i'm afraid the digital revolution will undo that. and i LOVE sarah's cd mixes so i feel that i will have to avoid getting an ipod for at least 2 more years until you all have abandoned them and moved on the next fancy gadget. then, i'll buy your ipod at the salvation army and celebrate your anniverseries.

Erica said...

The thought of various technologies one day being up for grabs at the Salvation Army is mind-blowing! And it will definitely happen--I mean, once upon a time blenders and Nintendos were cutting-edge, right?