Wednesday, June 22, 2005

popsicle disaster

Ok. So is some poor ad or marketing exec getting fired for this idea?(

as a person "allergic" to kiwi, i could have died. if i lived in ny and decided licking a giant melting popsicle was a good way to say innocent children from drowning.


Sarah said...

It would be a heroic death. I would deliver a eulogy that would close with "Let us all remember Julia who was never afraid to suck." On second thought, don't go out like that....

Juliet said...

If you're going to erect the biggest popsicle of all time for advertising purposes at least do it in a city where it'll get noticed. I had no idea this was going on and going so so wrong. I was even in union square last night. Man do I hope the Olympics go elsewhere. On another note, the fact that it was a kiwi-strawberry juice everywhere is pretty funny. Wasn't it Snapple that sort of introduced that as a flavor. It's not like suddenly lemonade was everywhere. It was kiwi-strawberry. Snapple is so clearly the culprit.