Friday, September 29, 2006

Cheap Bastard Mixology

I came home the other night after a long day and my new roommate was on the couch drinking a 40 of Old E, which is my brand of choice. I had a lovely trader joes salad that i was going to eat so i opted for wine instead. but then sitting there waiting for America's Next Top Model to come on, i was like 'damn. that looks good. i want that instead."
and he said, "you could have both?"
and i said "together?"
and he said "yeah. you should drink them both at the same time."
and i said "i will if you will"
and he said "ok" (thinking that i was not serious and that it wasn't physically possible)
but oh, OH was he wrong. I grabbed two straws and and a 40 (ok, really it was a 24oz, but whatever) and the dare was ON.

we were shocked. SHOCKED i tell you.
somehow it was the best of both worlds. i'm a cheap bastard these days so it was crappy wine, and i dare say the combination improved both of them.

so RUN, dont walk, to your local corner store and live it up!


Sarah said...

So they weren't mixed until they were in your mouth? Interesting... in Chile they like white wine in shitty beer... which is surprisingly tasty and certainly no worse than their real favorite-- Fanta mixed with shitty beer.

Fletch said...

In college, I used to mix 40s with wine coolers. Fruity 40s. Sounds like a weekend.

Lily said...

thats what my roommate did! wow.
is this a wesleyan thing, or do other people do this too?

Fletch said...

I have to admit that when I mention it to folks outside of Wes, they look at me like I am an alcoholic retard.