Wednesday, September 20, 2006


Just so we're clear, I can count the number of episodes of America's Next Top Model that I've ever seen on one hand. Tonight I saw maybe the last 20 minutes of the season premiere and am hoping someone else here saw it too. When the judges were critiquing the very striking Anchal, were they for real in deferring to the comments of Nigel Barker because "we're both Indian"? His bio on the website says he was born in London and educated in the English countryside, and mentions that "his background...brings a unique sensitivity to the relationships he forms with his subjects," but that's all. If you were Anchal, would you be offended at Nigel's giving you modeling advice from a fellow Indian's perspective, seeing as how he is a) a man and b) white? I know there are some ANTM experts in the crowd so please come forward!


kristina said...
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kristina said...

I actually think Nigel and Twiggy make for a pretty good panel. I have been an ANTM fan since I realized I only had one degree of separation from the atheist contestant on season 1.

Despite my commitment to the show, I have to say that I'm getting sick of Tyra--it seems that all you need to do to get on the show these days is cry and say you felt ugly as a child. I don't buy it that Anchal's tears were real when Tyra asked why she was wearing blue contacts.

Now, your mom dying in a plane crash when you are 9 years old -that is trauma! Go Megan!

Fletch said...

Count on one hand? Didn't you watch the entire season with the Wesleyan Lesbian?!?