Thursday, September 15, 2005

bosses know when you're talking shit

Today, my boyfriend left earlier than me to go to work which meant that instead of watching ESPN sports news in the morning, the channel was changed to ... MTV -- apparently my favorite network. (During commercials I watched a little Saved by the Bell, though). Anyway, they had some little bit involving a delusional cartoon boss saying "of course I work as hard as my employees. Even though I leave earlier and take more vacation."

This is the story of my work experience. My boss is mean and awkward and not very well educated. She always goes home at 3 or 4 to walk her dog. She likes to say things like "alls I know is" with a long sssss. How she got about 20 nursing degrees and a MPH is a mystery to alls of us here. She also has had weird incidents involving her dog, like getting pawed at by her puppy and going to the ER with a scratched cornea. The latest involves her riding her bike (with her huge accident-prone dog on a leash beside her) without a helmet on. The result of this great idea was discovered by a few MRI and CT scans to be internal bleeding on both sides of her head and an extended leave because of dizziness and head trauma. We all would be a little more sympathetic if she were at all a kind person. Anyway, you would think I would be happy that she is out for about a month except she was right in the middle of supposedly getting me a fairly important raise that now will probably not happen before I quit.

And of course, the one time she comes in ever (today at 2:30), she catches me writing a very long rant about "my manager" on gmail. How do they know when to come behind you and read things about themselves?
shit. it's the mysterious power of bosses.

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