Thursday, January 05, 2006


I am at work and my co-worker is currently listening to the radio. Now, this is something I normally don't mind. In fact, even in college and living with roommates, I was always the one that wanted to study with music on and if it was something I didn't care about, with TV. I like background noise.

But I do NOT like today's background noise. My co-worker is listening to the history of douche on the radio and now they are taking calls from women to hear their experiences with douche-ing. Am I right that this is wholly unacceptable to listen to at work? I mean, I'm all for inappropriate conversation and dirty, intimate details and I love Adam Corolla. It's not really the conversation that bothers me. It's the fact that I don't want to listen to this WITH my co-worker while I am trying to finish a personal injury settlement. The pros and cons of douche (I was taught there are only cons and douche-ing is really really bad) is bar talk best reserved for best girlfriends and effeminate boys, NOT pre-lunch, radio-listening at work.

A little NPR never killed anyone. I will now deal with the situation as passive aggressively as possible by tuning to an internet radio station that is turned up just loud enough to make having both stations on impracticable. And if the co-worker doesn't like it, she can go douche herself.


Sarah said...

The secretary who sits just over the wall from me watching a lot of movies trailers and video "jokes" on the internet. And then she hoots and hollers. I don't like it, either. I can relate. Plus I think douche-ing is 100% con and no pro... ick

Lily said...

Dude. I had to share an office once with this girl who sat on the phone and carried on the most explicit conversations i've ever heard (it was like that radio show, only in your lap, times a million). Anyways, I was watching some crap show on MTV or VHI about Las Vegas and what really goes down and they start interviewing these crazy sluttle stipper girls and all of a sudden i realize that its my officemate! she's one of those slutty stripper girls! and i knew her way back when she was just a talkative slut!