Friday, January 20, 2006


Took a cab to work. Who said it - I said it. I was running really late and when my boss is out of town he just waits for an opportunity to say, "You're taking advantage." So I hailed a mini-van cab on 7th and hopped to the second row. I'm about to go on a birthright trip to Israel and hear that the cool people sit in the back of the bus. I'm doing a lot of prep this week.

My cab driver, Jack Rubin, seemed confused. "Most people sit right here," he said pointing to the seat behind him. I didn't tell Jack that I had chosen the second row because it gave me more sleeping space though perhaps I should have because as we turned onto Flatbush he offered me his copy of the New York Post. I get sick if I read in a moving vehicle, but sweetly accepted.

At my final destination, he asked if I wanted the receipt. I said sure even though I had no use for it. "At least somebody's getting reimbursed," he said. Precisely. I didn't want him to suspect that I was spoiling myself. I'd be concerned if he thought I was being excessive.

Stopped in at Starbucks. The man in line in front of me requested that he not get the croissant he had been given. The barista explained that he had actually put 2 in the bag. But the customer had a particular butter croissant in mind and pointed. The same barista then ordered me a triple grande latte when I had just paid for a double tall. I didn't say anything. It seemed he liked treating.


Lily said...

juliet, this is an oddly nice little post you've got here. didn't say much, but somehow, it was nice to read. gripping almost. i really wanted to know what was going to happen next! i dont even know you, but i got to the end and i was a little sad... what happened next?!! did you take the elevator?!did you get to work on time?!

kristina said...

I rarely take cabs as they are a sort of silly form of transportation in Minneapolis. However, I was at a club last Saturday night and wanted to leave before the designated driver so I hailed a maroon-colored airport taxi on the corner of 6th and Hennepin. it was fairly cheap since i was not too far from home- just $10. but the driver was sort of cheeky. he asked me why i was going home so early (it was 1 am) and then asked if i was "how you say, hammered." i just laughed uncomfortably and asked if he knew where fremont avenue was.