Wednesday, August 24, 2005

Pat v. Hugo

I think this "firestorm" over Pat Robertson wanting the U.S. to assasinate Hugo Chavez is amazing. It's really one of those "we couldn't make this up, folks" events. I mean, by saying it, he makes it impossible to be done. Then again, you can't put anything past these dudes. Below are some choice bits from today's NY Times article about it:

"Mr. Rumsfeld dismissed Mr. Robertson's remark on assassination, saying: 'Certainly it's against the law. Our department doesn't do that type of thing.'"

Oh, really? Since when?

"The Rev. Jesse Jackson called for the Federal Communications Commission to investigate, just as it did when Janet Jackson's breast was exposed in the Super Bowl broadcast in 2004. 'This is even more threatening to hemispheric stability than the flash of a breast on television during a ballgame,' Mr. Jackson said."

I think I see their line of reasoning here... Ms. Jackson's breast is rather threatening to hemispheric stability... just as blowjobs and infidelity make an unfit president. Thank goodness we're saved, having been delivered into the hands of those advocating secret assasinations of democratically elected leaders and endless war.

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