Wednesday, August 03, 2005

God is Smiling... and so am I

So I have no money. This always happens, I don't know how (um... credit card debt, oppressive amounts of student loans and a penchant for Thai food that I don't make and vacation may have something to do with it...) but this isn't the point. I have $16 in my checking account until Friday... but this isn't a sob story. Today I reached into the pocket of the pants I wore to work, which I haven't worn in a while... and found a $20 bill.
I don't know how I misplaced it (maybe losing $20 and not realizing is why I run out of money?) but the fact remains... I needed it and I got it. And not like a $5, which would have been nice, but a whole $20. Thanks, dude. I wonder if this works for other things...
I really need a tiara...

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