Friday, March 10, 2006

the tiger look

I just came from the salon where I spent over $100 for a cut and color. My glasses were off during the process and, since I am nearly blind without them, I couldn't really see what was going on. However, before starting to paint my head, I did tell the woman that I am not in to the streaky look and that I prefer an all-over medium blonde. At the end of what has turned out to be an ordeal, I put my glasses back on to find that my head is streaked in black and white. The woman is all excited about the "low lights" and I tell her it is "great."

What gives? I am not afraid to speak in a class of 100 law students or afraid of giving oral arguments in front of judges--yet, when I have the chance to speak up about my utter disgust with my hair color that reminds be of a bengal tiger, I just grin (grimace) and run away.

Now that I am at work, I have called the salon and will be getting it fixed tomorrow. It was much easier to call and complain knowing I was in the safety of my own office. Why am I afraid of the hairdresser? She's the one that screwed up! She should be afraid of me! (in 18 short months I could sue) . Is this a quirk I have of being intimidated by the salon people or is it evidence that I have some more growing up to do? I may never know, but until tomorrow, you can just call me Le Tigre.


Sarah said...

Remember (I mean I know you do because we just talked about this on the phone) how just before Chile we home highlighted ourselves and had leopard hair? That was terrible. But involved looking bad for far less money. I think there's a certain amount of suspension of disbelief involved in getting things done to your hair. Like I always say I like it, "it's great! wow!" and never ever feel that way. Usually it turns out ok and I get used to it, but at the moment, even if I actually do think it's a good cut... I just want to get the fuck out of there. Why is THAT?

kristina said...

Update: I went back and my hair looks better- sort of. Not what I want, though. So, again I said: "Great" and then once I was in my car, called the salon and demanded my money back. They are refunding the entire price of the highlighting. So I guess I can live with it- after all, I do love free stuff.

As an aside, yesterday my cousin asked if I was going for the Elvira look and my brother told me my hair looked gray. Sweet.

Juliet said...

Unbelievable. I feel the same way. I can get very intimidated in the chair. Especially if the person cutting my hair is female. The concept that one woman would want to make another woman look her absolute best seems unlikely to me. Who said it? I said it! I once had a stylist get angry at me for not knowing what I wanted. This was at the Bee Hive salon in Brooklyn. She seemed the serene, pierced, died hair type. Oh no. "What do you mean you don't know what angle you want your front pieces at?! You have to give me some idea of what you want so I can work with you!" You need something to work with? Work with what I'm wearing you moron. Jeans and a sweater and some dangling earrings. Do you get it? I'm obviously not trying to cultivate a particular look here so whatever you do will be just fine. Just cut my hair!!! Kristina, I'm so sorry.

Lauren said...

I have cried in front of my hairdresser before and it was embarrassing. Worse was that I cried after she asked me if I wanted my hair to look like hers. At least she didn't do it anyway?