Friday, May 13, 2005

Where are we going?

Michael Bruce Ross is a much more interesting national issue than Terri Schiavo. We could have debated the death penalty. We could have talked about volunteers for death row. We could have talked about a lot of things. And of course there was some discussion... I liked reading about how much a volunteer for death screws up the whole paradigm of the debate over the death penalty. But nothing like Terri.
The disturbing trend: Government involvement in living and dying. Congress should convene to keep Terri alive against her husband's wishes. The State of Connecticut should kill a man, a murderer, because he wants to be killed. Where is this going? I don't think I like it.
On one hand, I kind of thought they wouldn't kill him, it wouldn't actually go through. The death penalty in the self-righteous blue-state New England? No... the death penalty is for TEXAS and FLORIDA... and New York. And Pennsylvania. Wait, we used to think those red staters couldn't make informed decisions. What about the executions in Blue states?
The other point that comes to mind: Remember how the whole issue in the US has always been States Rights v. Federal Rights? Since when do they get to say who lives and dies and when? Since when is conservatism about big government and big brother? Aren't we all supposed to be living on ranches with a lot of money and a lot of guns in a Republican paradise? An overstatement I know. It just makes me very sad.

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